Does your university or college grow global entrepreneurship and innovation? Apply today and let Inc. and Fast Company tell the world!

Academia is a breeding ground for entrepreneurship and innovation, the editorial north stars of Inc. and Fast Company. Institutions of higher learning that harness both are what we call Ignition Schools: launchpads for the visionaries who will write the next chapters of the global entrepreneurial story.

In our first-ever program recognizing such institutions, we’ll search the world to celebrate these supernovas of enterprise. Ignition Schools don’t just produce elite students and original research; they are economic engines, which also generate the ideas, businesses, and opportunities that move cities, regions, and countries toward a better future. 

Our list delves deep into the metrics that matter. We assess educational programs and alumni entrepreneurship rates. We gauge incubators, accelerators and venture centers. We identify schools that are magnets for grant dollars and excel at cultivating ground-breaking research, commercializing new ideas, transforming industries, and driving economic growth.

If your school is an Ignition School, we want to support your mission and the legacy you are fostering — and share it with the world.